Original Japanese text is here. |
Friday, July 30, 2010
Pocket Morning Weekly Q&A Week of 07/25/2010
Question: You're two hours late! But if you apologize in a cute way, I'll forgive you!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sister's friend's potrait of sayumi
Next to sis-chan’s colored in drawing,
was a portrait of Sayumi that sis-chan’s friend drew(lol)
was a portrait of Sayumi that sis-chan’s friend drew(lol)
It’s still not a bad likeness v(>w<)v
Sis-chan’s friend who drew the portrait know’s Sayumi too but,
Her personality and Sis-chan’s goes so well together, seriously it’s unheard of sisterly connection!(lol)
Her personality and Sis-chan’s goes so well together, seriously it’s unheard of sisterly connection!(lol)
if you call this friend, they’ll basically be together and you’ll soon know where she is(lol)
Similar people become quite good friends♪♪♪♪
After this, I don’t want this unprecedented condition to go too far but… make lots of friends, kay?ー(≧∇≦)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Pocket Morning Weekly Q&A (week of 07/18/2010)
Question: On what occasions does your tension [excitement level] go up?
Original Japanese text is here. |
Sunday, July 18, 2010
S/mileage signed CD
Kmren Sayu dapet Cd nih dari S/mileage .
Ja~ jaan~

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh . di dalem nye ada pesannye plus dah ditanda tangani XD .

Ntuh yg ngasih pesen ama tanda tangan. Asli para Membernya S/mileage
secara , Sayu kan suka bnget nih ama S/mileage (setidaknya dia blng begitu XD)
Jd wktu nih CD die dpet die seneng bnget . haduh . Jd pengen ngeliat mukanya lg .
Nih aku tambahin pict nya . Dozoo~

O' iya di setiap isi pesen para member s/mileage bwt sayu , ada kata Cute nya . Of Course Sayu is Cute . Isn't she? ^^ Tp ada satu yg kagak bilangCute di dalam pesannya . Ayaka-chan lah orangnya XD
Ja~ jaan~
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh . di dalem nye ada pesannye plus dah ditanda tangani XD .
Ntuh yg ngasih pesen ama tanda tangan. Asli para Membernya S/mileage
secara , Sayu kan suka bnget nih ama S/mileage (setidaknya dia blng begitu XD)
Jd wktu nih CD die dpet die seneng bnget . haduh . Jd pengen ngeliat mukanya lg .
Nih aku tambahin pict nya . Dozoo~
O' iya di setiap isi pesen para member s/mileage bwt sayu , ada kata Cute nya . Of Course Sayu is Cute . Isn't she? ^^ Tp ada satu yg kagak bilangCute di dalam pesannya . Ayaka-chan lah orangnya XD
Friday, July 16, 2010
Update blog .
Update Blog nya sayu . Nih sayu lg di event Alo Hello! photobook handshake .
Sayu , Mittsi ama eri ntuh . XD
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Update sayu's blog
Update blog nya sayu ahh . XD
Nih . . . Hadiah nya sayu dari beberapa hari ini .
Tapi sayangnya ada beberapa anggota momusu yg ngga ngasih hadiah --"
klo tidak salah dia di blognya . Anggota generasi ke-6
pada ngga ada yg ngasih . hmmmm -
alasannya gini :
Reina said, “I haven’t bought you anything yet!”…(lol)
Eri said, “You birthday, it’s in like four days, right?”…(lol)
originaly posted in hyakupa
Nih . . . Hadiah nya sayu dari beberapa hari ini .
Tapi sayangnya ada beberapa anggota momusu yg ngga ngasih hadiah --"
klo tidak salah dia di blognya . Anggota generasi ke-6
pada ngga ada yg ngasih . hmmmm -
alasannya gini :
Reina said, “I haven’t bought you anything yet!”…(lol)
Eri said, “You birthday, it’s in like four days, right?”…(lol)
originaly posted in hyakupa
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Pocket Morning Weekly Q&A (week of 07/11/2010)
Question: Imagine you're alone in an elevator when it suddenly stops, the lights go down, and you're left in darkness. What would you do? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kejutan lg bwt sayu~~
Hmmm .
kmren nih sayu pas di ethica dia dpet kejutan dari staff nya .
ja~ jannn~ dia dpet bunga XD .
uhhhh . perpaduan antara wajah sayu dan bunga jd kliatan
kawaii bnget XD .
Yah . namanya juga sayu . Kawaii gitu lho . ^^

dipaduin ama apa saja , kawaii 100% .
ja~ jannn~ dia dpet bunga XD .
uhhhh . perpaduan antara wajah sayu dan bunga jd kliatan
kawaii bnget XD .
Yah . namanya juga sayu . Kawaii gitu lho . ^^
dipaduin ama apa saja , kawaii 100% .
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ethica's Mirror
Most definitely!!!!
I think everyone will find it interesting too so please watch it, ‘kay?
Just now☆
finished recording for “Ethica’s Mirror”(o^∀^o)♪
It was a feature about everyone’s major concerns (≧∇≦)
Today’s Hairdo for Ethica’s Mirror was like this.
Old styled? I wonder…♪
It was a fresh change. quite lively☆
Does it match me?
Ohoohoho XD of course .
Unclear Isn't it ?
Sayu's Blog update .
I’m on “Aimaina!”‘s set together with Satoda Mai-san(≧∇≦)
On the last moments on set the staff wished me a happy birthday~(≧∇≦)
ahh~I’m so Happy!
I had been given me flowers and cake \(^ー^)/
The cake was realllly good,
and the flowers were reallly pretty,
I was overjoyed~
Everyone from “Aimaina!”!Thank you.
On set at the end,
at that really delicate time when the cake was about to come out, it really was unclear (Aimai)(lol)(^o^)/
2010/7/13 16:48
Feelings of gratitude
This is Sayu's blog after her birthday .
Father. Thank you for raising Sayumi.
Big brother. Sorry for calling you gross all the time. But I really do love you… most of the time(lol)
Big sister. Thank you. I really love you! Sayumi’s birthday… it’s today? Do you remember?…no way?(lol)
Grandpa. I love you! I really love you! I’m sorry we can’t meet much. Keep cheerful till next we meet, definitely we will.
Grandma. I want to eat Grandma’s potato salad and black beans and steak(o^∀^o)
We haven’t met but, my ancestors. Thank you for connecting all the way up to Sayumi.
Everyone who’s connected to Sayumi. Thank you, there are a lot of you who are connected to Sayumi right now, and I’m connected to each and every one of you as well.
And everyone who read my blog and comment my blog. Thank you. It wouldn’t be possible with Sayumi alone. It’s because of you that this blog got started. Thank you so much♪
Right now, I’m on my bed looking at comments~(*^o^*)
Thank you so very very much!
Michishige Sayumi will try her best as a 21 year old too(≧∇≦)
And…Looking at the time, Sayumi will,
go take a bath, then go to sleep.
First Blog being 21
7/14 is, Michishige Sayumi’s, 21st Birthday(≧∇≦)
I got more comments than I expected…(;_;)
running through it like that isn’t normal right?(lol)
Oh wow… Sayumi’s moved.
I’m so happy~y~
So many people like this, knew Sayumi’s birthday (It’s the result of my stringing it into my blogs, huh?(lol)Yes♪ Just as calculated(lol))、
Getting well wishes for being born,
I’m overjoyed (∋_∈)
Like the comments too, my family, the other members, company employees, friends, I’ve gotten a lot of happy birthday mails form them too.
I replied to countless messages but I haven’t gotten through them all, I want to reply to everyone slowly and carefully as I take in all the love I’ve gotten.
Comments too; right now I’m taking it all in as I’m reading them.(*^o^*)
Everyone, Thank you so very much.
Everyone really likes Sayumi, huh?
I get it, I totally get it!
It can’t be helped. You should like me from here on too!(lol)
Just kidding(^_-)Why at a time like this would I look down on everyone?(lol)
From here on as well, please like me!!
For 21 year old Sayumi as well, I’ll believe in myself… and believe in everyone… and do my best↑
The picture is the real, first, 21 year old me, picture(≧∇≦)
7/14 is, Michishige Sayumi’s, 21st Birthday(≧∇≦)
running through it like that isn’t normal right?(lol)
Oh wow… Sayumi’s moved.
I’m so happy~y~
So many people like this, knew Sayumi’s birthday (It’s the result of my stringing it into my blogs, huh?(lol)Yes♪ Just as calculated(lol))、
Getting well wishes for being born,
I’m overjoyed (∋_∈)
Like the comments too, my family, the other members, company employees, friends, I’ve gotten a lot of happy birthday mails form them too.
I replied to countless messages but I haven’t gotten through them all, I want to reply to everyone slowly and carefully as I take in all the love I’ve gotten.
Comments too; right now I’m taking it all in as I’m reading them.(*^o^*)
Everyone, Thank you so very much.
Everyone really likes Sayumi, huh?
I get it, I totally get it!
It can’t be helped. You should like me from here on too!(lol)
Just kidding(^_-)Why at a time like this would I look down on everyone?(lol)
From here on as well, please like me!!
For 21 year old Sayumi as well, I’ll believe in myself… and believe in everyone… and do my best↑
The picture is the real, first, 21 year old me, picture(≧∇≦)
Sayumi's birthday . Cake♪
At the end of rehearsal today…
While they were checking Ai-chan’s position for her song,
The studio lights went Bzzt!Out,
I couldn’t see Ai-chan’s cute face(┳◇┳)
There was HAPPY BIRTHDAY music~
It’s a day early but the other members and all the staff wished me a happy birthday!
I’m sooo sooooo soooo happpyyy(*^o^*)!!
But it’s also kinda really embarassing (->_<-)
They told me to state one aspiration!…
“To do my best as myself”
that’s what I said.
Yup! That’s Sayumi’s honest feelings right now(^o^)/
It’s not impossible, I am myself, I want to go forward my way(^_^)v
We ate the cake with everyone scrambling for it♪
It was really good♪♪♪
I’m really blessed.
Thank you!
Halo . Para fans nya momusu .
skrg tanggal 13 july adalah . Birthday nya Sayu !
Mari kita beri ucapan kepada Sayu-san .
Aku duluan yah .
ttd . OtsukaReinyaaa~
skrg tanggal 13 july adalah . Birthday nya Sayu !
Mari kita beri ucapan kepada Sayu-san .
Aku duluan yah .
~Otanjoubi Omedetou Sayu san~ .
Semoga tambah narsis . tambah cwantik ^^ . tambah seep dah pokoknya .
Sayu's blog update 12th jul 2010
Work’s all done V(^-^)V
After rehearsal today, I had an appointment☆
Right now I’m at home eating some Hi-Chew(lol)
The Hi-Chew was given to me by one of the employees at work today♪
as a birthday present(lol)
An unique present, huh?( ̄∀ ̄)
Where ever could you have found it?~~
Ah, come to think of it, couple days ago I had a dream Katou Noriko-san died(;_;)
I had really missed her…
So yesterday I mailed Katou-san and she had replied back~
Katou-san, seems you’re still alive↑
Thank goooodness~(≧∇≦)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Reina's Blog date of 06/20/2010
Nie Postingan dari Blognya Reina bulan kmren :
Tanaka Reina look at the earlier posts Kirakiradonatsumunkirakira "Lucky you not tired of Reina Tanaka"
From Mom
[It was not Vacca (━ _ ━) 』
Tanaka Reina I was told "Lucky your not tired Tanaka Reina"
As usual I was not invective.
A User Interface Tanaka Reina official Resona everyone thought "Lucky if your tired Reina Tanaka"

Tanaka Reina's vocabulary shock
━ ━ ━ U live "Lucky you not tired of Reina Tanaka"
Yeah official Tanaka Reina's OK, but "Lucky you not tired of Tanaka Reina"
Sorry bwt terjemahan yg kurang bagus. Maklum saia msh belajaran bhasa jepang :lol:
Tanaka Reina look at the earlier posts Kirakiradonatsumunkirakira "Lucky you not tired of Reina Tanaka"
From Mom
[It was not Vacca (━ _ ━) 』
Tanaka Reina I was told "Lucky your not tired Tanaka Reina"
As usual I was not invective.
A User Interface Tanaka Reina official Resona everyone thought "Lucky if your tired Reina Tanaka"
Tanaka Reina's vocabulary shock
Yeah official Tanaka Reina's OK, but "Lucky you not tired of Tanaka Reina"
Sorry bwt terjemahan yg kurang bagus. Maklum saia msh belajaran bhasa jepang :lol:
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